![Jan Frederik De Cock, Passing the Alps. [Homage to Joseph Mallord William Turner], 2019](https://artlogic-res.cloudinary.com/w_1600,h_1600,c_limit,f_auto,fl_lossy,q_auto/artlogicstorage/jandecockartadvisory/images/view/dde728a42800d57a8196023278743cc4/jandecockartadvisoryservices-jan-frederik-de-cock-passing-the-alps.-homage-to-joseph-mallord-william-turner-2019.jpg)
Jan Frederik De Cock
Passing the Alps. [Homage to Joseph Mallord William Turner], 2019
210 x 150 cm
Copyright The Artist
This painting is featuring the Monte Bianco di Courmayeur with a fast-moving river of ice, approaching a springtime greenfield, well decorated with wild blossom and a snowy up-slope woodpath camouflaged in stormy North-Italian clouds. An individual object taken from the WUNDERKAMMER total installation at The Bruges Art_Institute. Oil painting on canvas, impregnated with Cerulean blue van Gogh watercolour, Traditional Sennelier shellac Prussian blue ink, Rembrandt oilpastel, West permanent colour pencil.